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IRC6 - IRC and IPv6

What is it, really?

IRC6 is about connecting to IRC with the next-generation IP-protocol, IPv6. It is intended for the technically minded to purport the interesting possibilities of riding a new wave of IP, in a network mostly still consisting of IPv4 servers.

The project had its highlight in 1999, when the first-ever production-stage IRC6 server was featured on IRCnet by Project IRC6 of Europe. This resulted in a movement for more rapid evolution and evaluation of IPv6 services by IRC-users, which can still be seen as a rather interesting effect of the nature of competition in advances in technology...

IPv6 What? How? Where?
Want to get connected? This is the quick introduction.

If you have an IPv6 capable Internet-browser and operating system, you may also want to check out the current homepage of Project IRC6 at


Last update: November 2005 by Viha